How to create a Note Card for your Thesis

There are going to be many different theories a person can find on the internet about collecting and presenting a research thesis. Many scholars use note cards to collect their data because of the flexibility of the note cards. There are going to be many people who claim note cards are great but they will not give you a whole lot of specifics when it comes to how to create a note card for your thesis. There is no need to worry because once a person understands the process the note cards will explain themselves. Remember that organization is going to be the key in explaining the defense of your thesis in your dissertation. To do this effectively there has to be an organization to the collection of your information. Note cards are the best way for this.

The outline is vital for the completion of a thesis defense, because the dissertation of a thesis could potentially last for hundreds of pages depending on the research done and the evaluation of the findings. However a static outline on paper is difficult to organize in a fluid manner. Note cards are great because they can be shuffled around easily toward different areas of your thesis and dissertation depending on where they belong. Basically the information on a note card is going to have a fact, quote, or bit of information that is going to fit on your outline. The cards should be organized like an outline so that bits of information that go together can be grouped. The numbering system will allow you to reorganize your cards should something happen and your cards get mixed up.

Not only should the fact, quote or information be on the card, a number from the outline there should be a source for this information as well. It is vital for each person who uses note cards to organize their work to place the proper citation on them. If an author fails to cite properly they will be accused of plagiarism and that type of academic black mark will not go away in the near future. The proper citation of a source on the note card will make sure that the paper contains all the right citations and that all that deserve credit for contributing to your work receive it. The ability to create a note card for your thesis will dictate how simple the process is for all writers to complete.
