What is an Expository Essay and how to write it?

Throughout the process of acquiring an education the student will run into a wide of assignments. These assignments will take on many forms, formats, and requirements. This can be very frustrating for the student. One potential type of assignment is known as the expository essay. Rest assured that the student that knows what is expected of him will produce quality work.

The expository essay is a specific type of essay. Some essays are more opinion-based, but this type isn’t one of them. This type of assignment is factually driven and requires sound research and data. Remember that this is purely about the data, so be sure not to allow your opinion to leak into the paper. Keep it professional, unbiased, and purely devoted to the research.

Begin the process like you would any other assignment: begin gathering resources. This is especially important for an expository essay as it is required that the student provide sound and factual reasoning. Take this step very seriously and select only the most respected resources. This will be the key to providing the instructor with the best possible work.

Once all necessary material has been gathered it will be time to organize your thoughts and put a plan into action as far as how you are going to tackle the assignment. This may be a list, an outline, or even a simple idea of how you will approach each key point. Do whatever it takes to get focused and stay on track.

Now, begin writing your first paragraph. This will be an introductory paragraph that will introduce the reader to your topic. Avoid being informal at all costs. Also important in this step is providing a thesis. A thesis is a one sentence statement that tightly sums up the overall point of the essay. Give this special thought and provide a great sentence.

Most essays will consist of three body paragraphs. Make sure that each paragraph expresses a particular idea or aspect of the topic. Try to hold each following paragraph to its own idea. Keep these informational paragraphs tight and packed with valid data. Pay special attention to how they flow in and out of each other. The final step will be the conclusion. This is where you will wrap up the essay and put your final stamp on the information. Remember to keep it formal. Be sure to go back and proofread the work for spelling and grammatical errors.
